Friday 18 May 2012

Ever wondered why women go to the bathroom in pairs ?

Well it is not because we watch too many horror movies that involve a ‘Moaning Myrtle’ restroom ghost. It’s also not like we talk to each other while we’re in different cubicals. 

So then why do we go in pairs or in a group?

Well, I don’t really know if there’s an actual reason. There seems to be an unwritten and an unspoken rule that, women may never go to the bathroom on their own. I always find it hard to say 'NO' when one of my girlfriends ask me if I’d like to accompany her to the ‘ladies’, even if I don’t actually need to go!! Then, when I do need to go, I feel guilty not telling the girls, so in turn have to ask them out of courtesy if they’d like to accompany me and of course the answer is always YES.

So what do we actually do once we are in the bathroom?

Well we seem to do absolutely everything except the obvious thing. We gossip about anything and everything. We talk about men in our lives and men who aren’t in our lives. We talk about other women and how we hate women who have nothing better to do than gossip all day. We talk about our figures and fish for compliments. We sometimes even show our unattractive and embarrassing bulges and cellulites and hope our friends can reassure us.

We touch up our make up and always exchange makeup between us, because we always tend to prefer what the other girl is wearing. We compliment each others shoes and then start contradicting ourselves, complaining how uncomfortable these shoes are to stand in, let alone to walk in. 

Well what else did you think we do in there? Afterall girls will be girls.

But sometimes is it handy to have a friend accompanying you to the bathroom. I always end up wearing something, I cant get out of, like an overall. They look really lovely on, especially in summer, as they are so easy to slip in. BUT, I always find overalls incredibly hard to get out of, either because the buttons or zips are at the back or it’s a halter neck and I tied a knot I cannot undo when I need to. In fact, I only remember how much I hate overalls when im really desperate to get out of them.

Those are the times, that I’m really glad a friend is around, to help me out of the overall, before I get too desperate. So, I don't think there's an actual reason why women tend to visit the restroom in pairs, but it seems to be the place where we bond the most.


  1. Hi Yuvna, I really look forward to reading your blog every friday. I can relate to them.I do this all the time with my girls.I thing its a social thing with girls to go to toilets in company of other girls. Do you have an email address, I can keep in touch with you on?


    1. Thank you :) Yes Sure you can email me: or follow me @YuvnaSnapshot or @Yuvnakim
