Friday 18 May 2012

Ever wondered why women go to the bathroom in pairs ?

Well it is not because we watch too many horror movies that involve a ‘Moaning Myrtle’ restroom ghost. It’s also not like we talk to each other while we’re in different cubicals. 

So then why do we go in pairs or in a group?

Well, I don’t really know if there’s an actual reason. There seems to be an unwritten and an unspoken rule that, women may never go to the bathroom on their own. I always find it hard to say 'NO' when one of my girlfriends ask me if I’d like to accompany her to the ‘ladies’, even if I don’t actually need to go!! Then, when I do need to go, I feel guilty not telling the girls, so in turn have to ask them out of courtesy if they’d like to accompany me and of course the answer is always YES.

So what do we actually do once we are in the bathroom?

Well we seem to do absolutely everything except the obvious thing. We gossip about anything and everything. We talk about men in our lives and men who aren’t in our lives. We talk about other women and how we hate women who have nothing better to do than gossip all day. We talk about our figures and fish for compliments. We sometimes even show our unattractive and embarrassing bulges and cellulites and hope our friends can reassure us.

We touch up our make up and always exchange makeup between us, because we always tend to prefer what the other girl is wearing. We compliment each others shoes and then start contradicting ourselves, complaining how uncomfortable these shoes are to stand in, let alone to walk in. 

Well what else did you think we do in there? Afterall girls will be girls.

But sometimes is it handy to have a friend accompanying you to the bathroom. I always end up wearing something, I cant get out of, like an overall. They look really lovely on, especially in summer, as they are so easy to slip in. BUT, I always find overalls incredibly hard to get out of, either because the buttons or zips are at the back or it’s a halter neck and I tied a knot I cannot undo when I need to. In fact, I only remember how much I hate overalls when im really desperate to get out of them.

Those are the times, that I’m really glad a friend is around, to help me out of the overall, before I get too desperate. So, I don't think there's an actual reason why women tend to visit the restroom in pairs, but it seems to be the place where we bond the most.

Friday 11 May 2012

 The Women In Our lives

Josephine Cochran - Inventor of the Dishwasher
Imagine a world without modern bras, disposable diapers or dishwashers. Now, imagine a world without radiation therapy that kills cancer cells or medication that treats leukaemia. Sometimes we do not need to look any further than within our own circle to be inspired. At other times, we are inspired by those we know only in name.  

Lately, I have been suffering from insomnia, and therefore I have had a lot of time on my hands to think and reflect on my life. I am now in my late 20s, and I have a list of things that I would like to accomplish before my joints hurt too much to do any daft moves. Then last night it occurred to me that I am incredibly fortunate to even be in a position to choose the life I live, and do the things I do everyday. In the past women were not fortunate enough to indulge in these thoughts. Their lives were set and they had very specific roles to play. Against all odds, some free-thinking women who dreamed to inspire others and better lives,set out to make a difference. In a day and age when most women seemed to be biding their time, waiting to find the right man to marry, they set out to influence the next generation of women They suffered trials, shattering barriers, all acted to increase our liberty, safety, and widen the scope of little girls' 

Isadora Duncan
Imagine if you were not allowed to dance like no one’s watching. Do we ever think how lucky we are to dance they way we do(well some of us, anyway) on a night out? Well if it was not for Isadora Duncan 1877 – 1927, the mother of modern dance, something as simple as dancing with your hands in the air would be unthinkable. Thanks to her, the rigid restrictions of classical forms were replaced with free, expressive movement and influenced a generation of dancers.  

Those who know me, may find it very hard to believe that I was actually very quiet as a child. In fact I did not say my first words until I was 3 years old. When I was 7 years of age, my teacher told my parents that I was suffering from a condition called dyslexia. Needless to say, my parents had very little idea of what dyslexia was or what it meant to have a child whose brain has a slightly different structure. First they questioned my social conditioning, then they deliberated that it may be down to bad parenting, and finally they decided I must have a psychological condition, when really all it is, my brain is wired differently. Either way it was the end of the world for my parents. I, on the other hand, have always felt it was a blessing in disguise.

Painting By Georgia O'Keeff
I guess, Georgia O'Keeffe, Artist  1887 – 1986, felt the same when she said "I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me," Besides my disability seem very insignificant compared to Helen Keller, Writer, Lecturer, Human Rights Campaigner 1880 – 1968. She was rendered blind and deaf by a childhood illness. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a college degree, and most importantly changed forever our ideas about what disabled people could accomplish.

Madame Marie Curie

Life for some of us would not be the same, had it not been for Gertrude Belle Elion, Virginia Apgar and Marie Curie. These women's, ground breaking work continues to save lives and give hope to our generation. So is it not our responcibility, that we in turn, become an inspiration to the future generation?

Friday 4 May 2012

A language beyond spoken words.

Posture can tell us a lot about how a person might be feeling. As a young girl, I was very shy and very conscious of my surrounding. A sudden development in my shape and size as I was maturing only made matters much worse for me and I would often hunch my body forward, wear oversize jumpers and even sometimes cross my arms to disguise my growing silhouette. With time, I realised that I was not unique, in the sense that a number of women encounter similar struggle and sometimes retain this posture into adulthood, having forgotten the original reason for it.


The way you hold yourself, your posture, makes a big contribution to your body language and conveys your level of self-confidence.

Our face, eyes, hands gestures, and posture express what is going on inside of us. They give clues to others and to us as to whether the words we say are consistent with what we are really feeling. Being aware of our body language can allow us to send a consistent message. Smiling, making eye contact, using open gestures, and using good posture can bring up our level of self-belief.

We start forming impressions of people we meet from the moment we set eyes on them. Our posture, facial expression, eye contact, and gestures speak louder than the words we say. We all interpret body language all the time on a subconscious level.

Our face is the most expressive part of our body. If you are feeling apprehensive then your facial expression may make you appear distant, detached, or disinterested. You can easily convert this misrepresentation by making a conscious effort to smile. 

Our smile is one of the strongest tools we have when meeting new people. It will help you appear warm, open, friendly, and confident.
Our hands are also very expressive. Open gestures tend to make you appear open, honest and enthusiastic.  But be careful not to make too many gestures as it could make you appear anxious and out of control.

Eyes are the window to the soul. Is it even possible to read into a person’s eyes? Well it seems that our eyes give clues to our emotions. A direct stare implies intensity, making very little eye contact can convey shyness or submissiveness. It may also mean romantic interest. In fact, most women would avoid any eye contact if they feel romantic sentiments towards someone.

Lately I found myself staring at people a lot. I mean it’s not in a perverted way, but I am incurably curious and I sometimes cannot help it. I realised that we can learn a lot about our own body language by observing other people around us, whether it is at a coffee shop, library or at a social gathering. Men and women behave very differently when they are in the company of someone they are trying to lure. 

The Body Language to express interest in another person.

A woman would stroke the rim of her glass, then she is, beyond a shadow of a doubt that, with someone she likes. This is very common and we have all done it subconsciously at one point or the other. 

She will cross and uncross her legs until the point when her legs are facing towards the man she likes. 

Women tend to lean in towards or move closer to the person they like or 'accidentally' brush his arm, or nudge him in a friendly way, any excuse that will decrease the distance between them and grant her the chance to lay a hand on him.

There’s also this really sweet thing that women do- tilt their heads to one side and look at his mouth a lot. Women play with their hair - flicking and twirling it around their fingers.

Men on the other hand have evolved in a very standard pattern, that is show off that they are the manliest man present. Every man would like to think he is an alpha male, but sometimes its hard to get notice when they move around in pack, so he stands slightly apart from the group he is with or move into position nearer to a woman to' block' other rivals. He will also sit or stand with their legs apart and breathe in so his torso's puff out, all classical traits to show off his physique and strength. 
He will also visibly look at the woman making conscious effort to catch her eye, which will let her know that he is interested.

But occasionally he may look at her when she is distracted, to try and figure out why he is intrigued by her, this happens mainly in a situation when he feels strongly about her but other factors may not allow him to be with her or express his feelings immediately. 

Other traits are men running their fingers through their hair or you will find them straightening invisible creases on their clothes and fiddle with their cufflinks, in an effort to look the best they can.

There are also some traits that signals that there is little or no attraction, and if you pick up on them, BACK OFF!!
  • They are not maintaining any eye contact or are avoiding eye contact altogether.
  • They are shrugging their shoulders a lot.
  • They maybe smiling but it seems less natural and more polite.
  • Their arms are folded.
  • They are leaning away from you.
  • They are fidgeting, seem distracted and are looking over your shoulder.
  • They are rubbing their eyes or worse, yawning!
  • They are fiddling with everything they can get their hands on, tapping their foot and drumming their fingers.

Friday 27 April 2012

Why does the colour red mess with men's head?

Red: Not an everyday colour now is it? Although most of us possess something red in our wardrobe, we don’t always have the guts to wear it. Is it because red is the colour for those who dare to wear it? Easy to notice and hard to ignore.

Red screams‘LOOK AT ME’.

So why does Red mess with Men’s Head?
To a certain extent it is biological…
Some research show that the color red makes men feels more passionate towards women but are unaware of the role the colour plays in their attraction. Although men know they are uncontrollably drawn to ladies in red, they are unsure why that is. In fact studies in this matter have been unable to come up with a valid explanation. It is however clear that it is instinctive that men are fascinated by the colour red and men's response to red more likely stems from deeper biological roots.

Research has shown that nonhuman male primates are predominantly attracted to females displaying red. As much as men might like to think that they respond to women in a thoughtful, sophisticated manner, it appears that at least to some degree, their preferences and predilections are, primitive and instinctive.
So it seems that a lady in Red to a man is like a red rag to a bull, and most certainly will receive a red-carpet treatment.

Similarly society influences the connotations attached to the colour. In some cultures, certain shades of red are used to symbolize anger, sin and evil but also aggression, passion and love.
There is no question that the colours you wear are an extension of your personality -- an unspoken but clear message to the rest of the world. For instance, the message you send by driving a vehicle that is Vibrant Red: Sexy, speedy, high-energy, and dynamic. Hence why, although a Ferrari looks just as good in yellow, you are more likely to get one in red.
In the same way if you dye your hair red, I doubt you are looking to blend in; evidently you are looking to make a statement.

I know more girls who would choose not to wear a red item. Personally, I stay away from red lipstick because it makes my lips appear fuller and although fuller lips are natural sign of womanhood, I am too conscious of the signal I may be sending out, and i talk myself out of it.

Turns out, we are guilty of not being able to control our lust for shoes, but the collection is incomplete without a sexy pair of red stilettos. Likewise every girl owns a little black dress, and I think there should be a little red dress right behind it. Nothing should stop us from indulging into them privately.

This weekend, dare to wear something Red and watch the heads turn. Go on girls, after all, we all deserve some attention from time to time.